Currency exchange rates play a vital role in global trade and finance. They determine the value of one currency when converted into another currency. In this article, we will explore the topic of currency exchange rates, with a focus on specific rates of conversion between different currencies.
1. Thai Baht to Chinese Yuan (CNY):
The exchange rate between Thai Baht (THB) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) is 5.01 THB to 1 CNY. For every 100 THB, you can exchange it for 19.98 CNY.
2. Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Chinese Yuan (CNY):
The exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Chinese Yuan is 0.21 SGD to 1 CNY. For every 100 SGD, you can exchange it for 469.31 CNY.
3. Philippine Peso (PHP) to Chinese Yuan (CNY):
The exchange rate between Philippine Peso and Chinese Yuan is 6.80 PHP to 1 CNY. For every 100 PHP, you can exchange it for 14.71 CNY.
4. UAE Dirham (AED) to Chinese Yuan (CNY):
The exchange rate between UAE Dirham and Chinese Yuan is 198.59 AED to 1 CNY. For every 100 AED, you can exchange it for 195.87 CNY.
5. Australian Dollar (AUD) to Chinese Yuan (CNY):
The exchange rate between Australian Dollar and Chinese Yuan is 469.86 AUD to 1 CNY. For every 100 AUD, you can exchange it for 469.30 CNY.
6. Real-time Currency Exchange Functionality:
Currency conversion plays a crucial role in the international market. With the help of real-time currency exchange functionality, individuals and businesses can easily check and calculate the exchange rates between different currencies. It allows users to convert more than 150 currencies and automatically adjusts the rates based on the international exchange rates.
7. Currency Converter Tool:
A currency converter tool provides the convenience of converting one currency into another easily. It supports over 150 countries' currencies and adjusts the rates according to the international exchange rates. Users can enter the amount they wish to convert, select the currency they hold, and the currency they want to convert to. The tool then calculates and displays the converted amount.
8. Current Exchange Rate Trends:
Keeping an eye on the exchange rate trends is essential for individuals and businesses involved in international trade. Real-time updates on exchange rates allow users to make informed decisions regarding currency conversion and financial transactions. Trading platforms and financial websites provide graphs and charts that illustrate the current exchange rate trends, helping users analyze and predict the currency market.
9. Currency Exchange Rate Database:
A currency exchange rate database is a structured collection of data that stores currency codes and their corresponding exchange rates. It provides a reliable and easily accessible source for developers and businesses to retrieve and update exchange rates. This data is crucial for accurate currency conversions and maintaining financial systems.
Currency exchange rates determine the value of one currency when converted into another and play a significant role in global finance and trade. Understanding the rates and trends can assist individuals and businesses in making informed decisions regarding currency conversions and financial transactions. With the help of real-time currency exchange functionality and currency converter tools, users can easily calculate and convert currencies. Additionally, having access to a currency exchange rate database ensures accurate and up-to-date information for currency conversions.
- 上一篇:74港元等于多少人民币